The Brotherhood exists to help ordinary men experience transformation to become the man, father, and brother that God created them to be.
This is not just another Men’s Ministry - this is a movement of men. A movement toward a closer relationship with Jesus and toward true relationship with one another. You will enter into a community (known as Tables) where you will connect relationally, grow spiritually, and experience transformation.

Relationship with Jesus
We believe that life transformation only happens through a relationship with Jesus therefore our first focus is relationship with him.
We will strive to do things OFT. Any ask that takes a man away from his family will be for the benefit of the man and will ultimately be a value add for the family.
Many of us live in false reality and we lie. Lie to ourselves and lie to those around us. We will tell each other the truth about our lives.
Men need authentic, real relationships, not buddies, we need brothers! We will know and be known by other men.
The Table
The table experience is where it all happens. We are firm on the format and everything we do is to connect men to them.
Because it is easy to drift away from our walk with God, we choose to meet for one hour once a week with up to ten other men. Tables follow a simple format that calls us into a deeper relationship with Jesus and each other.
We will have Tables that meet throughout the area, at different times and places, allowing every man to find a table that will meet his individual schedule. 


Brotherhood Retreat